Can Nature Improve Our Mental Health?

Have you ever noticed how suddenly your mind becomes calmer, relaxed & focused after taking a stroll in nature? Well, that's because our surroundings have a significant impact on our mental as well as physical health. Many studies have proven that regular exposure to nature can have a calming effect on our minds. People who spend time in green spaces are less likely to feel anxious or sad as being in a natural setting refreshes our brain & makes it respond positively.
Have you ever wondered why patients who get to see the natural view from their hospital beds tend to recover faster? Well, mother nature & our mental well-being is deeply connected which is why we feel so empowered when we spend our time in nature. Many studies have proven that nature can have a positive impact on our mental health. Everything that we see, hear or experience has a tremendous impact on our mood & overall well-being. To heal the stress of an unpleasant environment, we often find our escape in a natural setting. We find nature pleasing which is why we retreat to nature whenever we feel stressed. Exposure to nature soothes our mind & make us feel more relaxed. The ecotherapy has shown a strong connection between nature & brain. In a study conducted in 2015 to better understand the link between nature & brain, researchers compared the brain activity of the healthy people who walked for around 90 minutes either in an urban setting or in nature. They found that people who took a stroll in nature had lower activity in the brain prefrontal cortex, a region of the brain that particularly focuses on negative thoughts/emotions. This clearly shows that nature heals & spending time in nature has a therapeutic impact on the human's brain.
Around 50 percent of the world's population is living in urban settings which is why the mental health of urban dwellers is continuously deteriorating due to the unpleasing environment of cities, and more & more people are suffering from stress, anxiety, and many other mental issues. By spending your time in nature, away from the hustle & bustle of everyday life, you can rejuvenate your mind & body. Nature has proven to be restorative for the people who are suffering from any mental ailments & also enhances general mental health.
In this article, we've discussed some of the ways in which nature improves our mental health:
Being in nature alleviate stress & tension
Stress & tension has become one of the most common mental issues that most people across the globe are going through. Just spending 20-30 minutes in nature can have a positive impact on your mind & body. Exposure to nature can reduce the production of stress hormones in the body. While urban setting can make you stressed, spending time in nature can reduce your stress & anxiety levels.
Being in nature soothes pain
Nature has known to be therapeutic to human's minds that's why every time people experience any sort of pain or discomfort, they are advised to spend time in nature. Many patients suffering from major health issues are always advised to spend some time in nature as it helps them to recover better.
Being in nature helps in improving mood
Many studies have proven that spending time in a natural setting elevates mood. People who want to refresh their moods should consider spending time in nature. Generally, our surrounding is responsible for setting our mood so by bringing change in the surrounding, you can improve your mood. The hustle & bustle of daily life can affect your mood so the best way to cheer your mood is by taking a stroll in nature.
Being in nature relieves the feeling of isolation
By spending time in nature, you can relieve the feeling of isolation by increasing the desire to make a social connection. By spending time outside, you can interact with new people & expand your social group. Having a good social connection can positively impact your mental well-being.
Being in nature improves sleeping quality
Lack of proper sleep can impact your mental health & overall well-being. Sleep deprivation can cause a number of mental health problems including depression, anxiety & bipolar disorder. Spending time in nature can improve your sleep quality & can rejuvenate your body & mind. By being in nature, you can regulate your natural body clock & normalize your sleeping schedule.
Being in nature helps in battling depression
Sadly, depression has become one of the most common mental health issues that people across the globe are battling with. Spending time in nature can be used as a form of therapy to cure depression. As we know, nature promotes mindfulness & clear negative thoughts which is why being in a natural setting can help people to battle depression.
Being in nature improves problem-solving
By spending time in nature, you can improve your problem-solving ability. When we spend time outdoors in a natural setting then it positively impacts our cognitive abilities and our problem-solving abilities improve.
So, these are a few ways in which nature improves our mental health. Simply, spending some time in nature can improve your overall mental well-being. Nature has restorative power to make our mind feel calm & relaxed. It also helps you in changing your perspective & help you stay well-balanced while managing the complexities of modern life
Final Thoughts
Wrapping it up, we can say that whenever you feel low, try immersing yourself in nature as it will definitely help you in restoring your mental well-being.