Yoga poses to alleviate anxiety

Amidst the hustle & bustle of the modern lifestyle, the thing that suffers the most is our mental & physical health. From ancient times, people have been practicing yoga to relieve themselves from an anxiety disorder. Incorporating right yoga postures in a daily lifestyle can help you in attaining excessive mental easiness. When stress & anxiety strike then the person takes a toll on his health. The lifestyle that most of us are living is full of schedules & deadlines to meet which results in making mental state of people distorted.
Yoga involves deep breathing and calming the mind which can help you attain peace of mind & alleviate anxiety. Nowadays, stress has become a major part of our lives which is why nearly everyone should consider practicing yoga at least for 30 uninterrupted minutes.
We’ve rounded up a few yoga poses which will help you in alleviating anxiety:
Forward seated bend
The first yoga pose that you can incorporate in your daily life is forward seated bend pose. To get started with this pose, all you need to do is sit on your mat with your legs stretched straight in front of you. Now, reach your arm and stretch your spine forward. Try to go as far as you can then as you feel fully stretched then hold this position for a few minutes. This posture is one of the best stretch exercises for alleviating anxiety & mild depression.
Child pose
The next pose that one can do to relax tension, particularly in the neck and back region, is child pose. Practicing this yoga asana can help you in alleviate anxiety & stress. Child pose involves steady breathing which helps in calming the nervous system. To get started with this pose, all you have to do is, kneel down & put your hands on the mat. Now, bend forward & stretch your arms allowing your torso to relax between your thighs. Keep your hips on your heel and your forehand on the mat. Maintain this posture for a few minutes. This yoga pose is also known as fetal position. The aim of practicing this posture is to find mental, emotional & physical solace.
Tree pose
The next restorative yoga pose is tree pose. This yoga pose helps in calming the mind and promote focus & concentration. The tree yoga pose is all about maintaining balance & centralizing all your attention on physical self. To get started with this posture, all you have to do is, stand straight on the mat with your legs apart now bend your left knee and place it on the inner right thigh. Now, join your hands in a prayer position placing your thumbs at the heart center. Hold this posture for a few minutes then change the leg & repeat.
Corpse pose
One of the best yoga poses to alleviate anxiety is corpse pose. By practicing this yoga pose, you can revive your mental & physical health. After a long tiring day, all one needs to practice is corpse pose to let go of all the stress.
Final Thoughts
Stree & anxiety has become an inescapable part of our lifestyle which can be alleviated by practicing yoga on a regular basis. Practicing yoga can surely bring comfort to your mind & body so start practicing it daily.