U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Sued Federation For Equal Pay

Just 3 months prior to the Women’s World Cup, all 28 members of the US squad came forward to file a lawsuit against ther U.S. Soccer Federation alleging pay discrimination. On 8th March 2019, when everyone around the world was sharing quotes on empowering women, the USA women’s team showed the world what women empowerment really stands for. The USA women’s team was suffering from pay discrimination so they put forward their case demanding equal pay for work of equal value.
In 1963, a law “Equal pay for equal work” came into being suggesting that there will be no institutionalized gender discrimination, however, despite the law women of this country are still suffering. The women’s team is fighting for women’s economic empowerment, hoping that gender-based discrimination will vanish entirely. And it can start with them.
Equal pay really matters as when women’s team players have similar responsibility, play on the same field, follow the same rules, play for the same duration of matches as their male counterparts. Then why are they paid less?
This institutionalized gender discrimination has been in existence for years but its high time now, and our 28 players are calling for equal treatment. This long-running fight with the country’s soccer federation reaches the door of the District Court of the United States in Los Angeles.
Athletes stated that this discrimination is not only limited to the paychecks but also to the overall medical & coaching facilities they receive. Also, in a press release, co-captain Carli Lloyd vowed that she will make equality a reality for sports. The team also make it clear that they have no plans to boycott the upcoming World Cup. They believe that gender equality and women’s empowerment go hand in hand and it is much needed in the sports landscape.
Since 2015, the USA women’s team has become the most successful women’s team in history. They are performing much better at fields than their male counterparts as they have played more games, won more games and earned more revenues still they have been paid less all the time. The USSF favors the high-profile men’s team and provides the best resources to them but do not provide pay equity and equal treatment to the women’s team.
Final Thoughts
Soccer’s World Cup is the most watched sports event, and over the years, the women’s team has attained a special place in the hearts of soccer fans. Despite all the fame and success, they aren’t treated equally in terms of money and other facilities as compared to their male counterparts. We at Love Equals truly support the plaintiffs’ on-going fight for equal pay.